Playing Full Out!

Happy New Year! Are you ready to have your dreams come true? Is there one dream you would like to manifest this year?

Is there one thing you are willing to commit a 100% of your energy, time and heart to having happen?

Here’s the good news – you can create your life exactly as you want it, one step at a time, if you are willing to commit 100% to your dream. In coaching speak, it’s called Playing Full Out.

Even people like Katie Holmes (Mrs. Tom Cruise) who have a fabulous career and marriage, had to work hard to get where they are. When she told her parents she wanted to move to LA and become an actress, they told her okay but to give it her all. In other words go for it 100%. It worked for her career, and I can only imagine that’s part of what won Tom Cruise’s heart.

That was intention, determination and pure commitment on Katie’s part and look at the results.

You can have similar results if you are willing to get clear on what you really want, if you are willing to commit to it 100% and if you are willing to both work for it and allow it.

There are two parts required for manifestation – one is energetic and the other is physical, the actual work.

The reason I keep stressing 100% commitment is because anything less than that will be read by the Universe as weak energy, and weak energy can’t attract to you what you want.Also, you won’t give it your all, which is what it takes. Then you won’t succeed in realizing your dreams. You’ll end up feeling badly about yourself and your life. So if you won’t give it your all, then choose something else, or put it on the back burner until you will.

Perfect Example of Playing Full Out

David Wagner played sports all through high school and into college, until he was paralyzed from the waist down in a freak accident in 1995 at the age of 20. He would never walk again.

After a long hard period of rehabilitation he finished his college degree.

Then searching for something he could do athletically, in 1999 he found something he loved – wheelchair tennis.

In 2004, at the Paralympics in Athens Greece he won the Olympic GOLD for Quad Doubles wheelchair tennis and the SILVER for singles Quad Wheelchair tennis.

Commitment, determination, hard work, overcoming overwhelming physical and emotional obstacles, and having fun – David Wagner is one of my heroes.

What You Need to Do to Achieve Your Dreams

Most of us don’t have the kind of obstacles that David had and will continue to have the rest of his life. So the obstacles we face are in our mind, which can be overcome.

Suppose you decide you want to get into great shape and get healthy this year. Then hire a trainer and a nutritionist, go to the gym, do the exercises and follow the plans the experts give you. If you’re not going to follow everything then don’t set yourself up to fail. Just accept that you’re comfortable with where you are. It’s perfect, it’s all just what you choose to commit to and focus your energy on.

My clients who have successful careers have devoted lots of time, training, energy and determination to succeeding. And they get the results.

The same is true for my clients who’ve wanted to be in a loving, joyful relationship – many of them are now either married, engaged or are living with a fabulous person.

They were committed and determined to feel good about themselves and from that place they attracted fabulous partners. I’m not going to kid you, they worked hard, they read books, coached week in and week out on their issues; they were willing to tell themselves the truth and willing to do the work to silence their critical inner voice. They were willing to stop playing games and stop playing with only half a heart. They were willing to commit to themselves – to realizing how amazing they are.

Now what if you want to have a great relationship – either a new one or you want to improve the one you’re in – you can do it. But do it from a place of honesty and courage. Don’t do it half-heartedly so you can tell yourself, if it doesn’t work out, well, it wasn’t really your fault. Don’t cop out on yourself like that. You’re setting yourself up to fail by not committing. Remember the Universe reads the energy you send out, so make it strong.

One of the main reasons you don’t have what you say you want is because your commitment is to what you don’t want, not to what you say you do want.

I’ll go into that more in the next ezine. In the meantime, decide what you really want in your life this year. Choose one thing and decide if you are willing to give it your all.

Then look at hiring a coach, taking a workshop, reading relevant books, surrounding yourself with positive people who already have what you’re longing for in your life.

Daydream each day for 15 minutes, concentrate and commit to having your dream come true. It will.

Choose to believe. Choose to commit 100%. Choose to let the Universe respond.

Imagine the possibilities…

© Carol Chanel


As a certified coach, I’m a huge advocate for hiring a certified coach. Most of the great programs require a two-year commitment, which includes classes, labs, supervisions and a grueling certification exam.

I also have a degree in Sociology and a minor in Psychology. Many coaches have educational and professional backgrounds that enhance their coaching skills.

You want to hire someone who understands what they’re doing and knows when coaching is appropriate for you and when it isn’t.

I attended Coaches Training Institute and on their website you can search for a coach based on your interests and requirements.

Try it and see for yourself the great benefits of coaching to help you achieve your dreams.

Coaching Training Institute
then on the right hand side click on “Find A Coach”

Carol's Services

I teach people to overcome the obstacles that keep them stuck yet longing for romantic relationships, more self-confidence and inspiration to accomplish their dreams.

We sometimes forget what it feels like to live from our hearts and souls. We forget the thrill of taking the brakes off and flying. Life is dull if we just live from our minds.

Are you - or someone you know - settling, for less than exciting, either in relationships or a career?

You can visit my website at:

You'll find other articles there and more in-depth information about both my services and me.

Carol Chanel
Certified Life Coach 

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