Career Results

“Do what’s necessary. Then do what’s possible. Next thing you know, you’re doing the impossible.” Saint Francis of Assisi

If you answer yes to any of the following questions, the possible impossibility is just a phone call away.

  • Are you afraid to leave your existing job?
  • Are you not getting paid what you’re worth?
  • Are you afraid to ask for a raise for fear of getting fired?
  • Are you drained and exhausted because you work for a nasty boss?
  • Are you not going after bigger deals because you’re afraid of rejection?
  • Is your team not functioning as well as they could because you don’t know how to lead them?
  • Do you know the critical difference between management and leadership?
  • Are you reaching and exceeding your maximum performance or are you stuck and bored?
  • If you answered yes to any one of these and want to change, give Carol a call at 310-998-8860.
  • The following five examples illustrate the power of Carol’s professional career coaching work. They are just the tip of the iceberg.


Susan was a director of creative services who was significantly underpaid. She was too afraid to ask for a raise. After 3 months of working with Carol, she asked for and received a $20,000 salary increase.

Joan owned her own successful consulting company but her personal salary had been stuck for several years at $500,000. After 7 months of working with Carol, her personal income shot up to $1,000,000 a year.


Barbara wanted to switch from personal consulting to executive coaching, but she did not know how to convince corporations that they needed coaching for their top executives. Within 6 months of working with Carol, she landed a major coaching contract with a multi-national corporation who hired her to coach their top executives in 3 different countries.


Tom was a successful financial analyst for a venture capital investment firm with a demanding schedule and a nasty boss. Working for this nasty boss not only impacted his productivity, it eroded his management skills with his team. After working with Carol for 3 months, Tom understood that his boss’s behavior was not personal, she was simply an unhappy woman. Tom was finally able to ignore her attitude and tone. His performance soared and he became a more effective and supportive manager and leader. His team’s output doubled.


Peter was a successful entrepreneur who was greatly in demand for his graphic design services.Occasionally he took on a client who was too difficult, too demanding. Even though his creativity would dry up, he was afraid to fire his toxic clients. Working with Carol, Peter learned to look at the characteristics of difficult people, and to count the personal and professional cost of working with toxic clients. Once he was clear that both the bottom-line and personal cost was higher than the return, he was able to fire the clients who were bleeding his time and energy. Peter now only works with people who share his values and he’s making more money than ever before.


Jane was director of marketing for a multi-million dollar firm. The firm was badly organized and Jane could not get her ideas implemented. She was making good money, but miserable and afraid to make a move. After 12 months with Carol, Jane created a list of must-haves in her ideal job. She attracted another position in a new city that suited her perfectly, making as much money as before and working in an environment that welcomed her vision and formidable skills.

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