“How to be Wild and Free!” Part 5

How is your dance with audacity?

Have you risked something big or small to be yourself?

Have you committed to being wild and free this year?
Wild in your love and free to be who you really are.

Are you ready to take the brake off and let yourself fly?

The next key to being wild and free is taking care of yourself.


Oh, I love this key. Here you get to DO good things for yourself.
You get to BE!

So what does taking care of yourself look like?

Maybe it’s staying home on Friday night and soaking in a
bubble bath. Maybe it’s staying home on Sunday curled up
with a good book.

Maybe it’s eating a steak dinner, with potatoes, bread, wine
and desert. Or doing a juice fast.

Maybe it’s exercising when your mind tries to talk you out of it.

The idea behind this key is that when you take care of yourself –
and only you know what that actually is – then you feel better.
You feel better physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally.

You will feel stronger, more powerful, rested, content and proud.

Almost everyone I know needs to take care of themselves through
communication. Do you need a hug? Want some support? Is
there someone you need to talk to? To share your feelings with?
To love?

If what you need is nurturing, there are endless ways to do that.
Baths, movies, friends, sleep, meditation, rest and massage.

If what you need is to get your body moving, you can go for walks,
go to a gym, take a yoga class, go for a bike ride, take a dance
class, or hire a personal trainer.

Do you need to eat better? Have you gained some weight or are
you feeling bloated after you eat? You can hire a nutritionist,
read healthy eating plan books, start planning some meals and
eating fresh fruits and vegetables. Bring your lunch to work
instead of going to a fast food place.

Is your spiritual side feeling neglected from a lack of love and

Only you know what you need to do to take care of yourself.

Are you wanting to do some personal growth work? There are
excellent coaches, therapists, hypnotherapists, etc. to help.

When you take care of yourself you are healthier — mentally,
physically, emotionally and spiritually. Then the part of you
that wants to fly free, can and will.

I know I needed to take a vacation. And so I did. Two
weeks. I love my work, so I don’t always want to take a
vacation and yet I knew I needed to take care of the part of
me that just needed to rest, read mystery novels, play games
and sleep.

It was great. I came back rested, charged, and feeling more
audacious than ever.

If you need some support in taking care of yourself, call a
friend, give me a call or write me an email. Create a support /
accountability system with a friend.

If you are a parent, healer, teacher, care taker, remember that
when you’re on an airplane they tell you to put the oxygen mask
on yourself first, before you put it on your child.

If you’re not breathing, if you’re not rested, properly fed, or your
body is aching or feels lousy, you can’t do your best.

If you’re in a creative or a technical field, if you’re tired you won’t
be or do your best. When you’re rested, properly fueled, stretched
and exercised – wow – your creative side will flourish. And you
lessen the chance of making mistakes.

It is essential that you take care of yourself so that you can be the
best you possible.

Imagine the possibilities….

© Carol Chanel

Q & A

Today’s question comes from a male client in Ohio.
Sam writes:

Q: “How can I support my wife in taking time for herself? We have
an 18-month-old girl who is full of energy. My wife works part
time as a freelance writer and then the rest of the time she takes
care of our daughter. She’s tired and needs to rejuvenate.”

A: First Sam, thank you for being so aware and thoughtful.

Goddesses, there are fabulous men out there.

Sam I have several ideas. Maybe a trip away somewhere might
be great – someplace where they have day care. Perhaps your
wife can get massages, soak in a hot tub, listen to music, or
take a nap. Anything that rejuvenates her.

If you can’t get away right now, why not gift her a day at a local
spa. Most women would love that. Make the appointment for her,
so she doesn’t have to plan it.

You could hire a very well-researched, highly recommended
babysitter and go out for an evening. Do whatever you know
she’ll love. Maybe a picnic at the beach, a night at the opera.
You plan it. Anything that lets her relax.

And most important, keep telling her you love her, cherish her,
and find her beautiful and desirable.

Keep up the great example Sam. We all thank you!




I recently had a Thai Yoga Massage. It was the most
incredibly relaxing, rejuvenating experience of my life.

I can’t begin to tell you how highly I recommend this
type of body work. You feel stretched, relaxed, light,
happy and just amazing after the session.

The session I had lasted two hours. AMAZING.

A perfect way to take care of yourself.

In Los Angeles, the fabulous practitioner I saw:
Deon de Wit.

If you are in the area or in New York you can experience
for yourself the magic of his bodywork.

If you’re not in the area check out the web for a Thai Yoga
Therapist near you. Ask for a referral and then if you get
a good referral, go and have a blissful experience.

And if you can’t find a Thai Yoga Therapist, I know that
any type of massage is wonderful. And a fabulous
way to take care of yourself.

Happy Relaxing!

Carol's Services

I teach people to overcome the obstacles that keep them stuck yet longing for romantic relationships, more self-confidence and inspiration to accomplish their dreams.

We sometimes forget what it feels like to live from our hearts and souls. We forget the thrill of taking the brakes off and flying. Life is dull if we just live from our minds.

Are you - or someone you know - settling, for less than exciting, either in relationships or a career?

You can visit my website at:

You'll find other articles there and more in-depth information about both my services and me.

Carol Chanel
Certified Life Coach

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