“Eat, Pray, Love”
Last month I read the popular book, “Eat, Pray, Love.” It was recommended to me by one of my amazing clients who felt I would truly value what Elizabeth Gilbert, the author, was expressing in her book.
The subtitle is “One Woman’s Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia.”
While at an ashram in India, Elizabeth discovers that when she asks for help, she can hear God or Source, she doesn’t care what anyone calls the wisdom she’s hearing. As she explores her connection to God/Source/Universe she finds that, as she journals, the wisdom comes to her through her writing.
I want to share with you what she heard and wrote one night when she was trying to keep depression and loneliness from overpowering her as it had previously in her life. As she reached out for help, she heard and wrote what she had always wanted another person to say to her.
“I’m here. I love you. I don’t care if you need to stay up crying all night long, I will stay with you. If you need the medication again, go ahead and take it – I will love you through that, as well. If you don’t need the medication, I will love you, too. There’s nothing you can ever do to lose my love. I will protect you until you die, and after your death I will still protect you. I am stronger than Depression and I am braver than Loneliness and nothing will ever exhaust me.”
She went to sleep and in the morning the depression and loneliness were gone.
Take a breath. And read the quote again.
When I read that I was so excited for her. She actually felt the unconditional love of Source/God/Universe. She felt the protection and support of God that is there for all of us. It’s why she woke up free of her fears.
You can feel it too. And when you do, it’s transcending. That is how you completely transcend your fears.
The important thing to remember is God/Source/Universe loves, protects and supports you anyway. You can’t do or think anything to change that truth.
So the big question is – do you want to feel that for yourself? I’m pretty sure you do.
How Do You Feel The Love and Protection?
Write that paragraph on a piece of paper and read it to yourself every morning and night. Whether you suffer from loneliness, depression, confusion, frustration, or hopelessness in a certain area of your life, the truth of those words apply to you too.
Then begin treating yourself and others that way. When they have trouble believing it, then believe it for them and remind them. Ask the same of them when you have trouble.
Can you love yourself no matter what you do? Are you willing to believe that God/Source/ Universe loves you no matter what you do? No matter what happens, or doesn’t happen. It’s true. Your doubts can’t change the truth.
God’s love is unconditional. Human love is rarely unconditional, but it’s something to aspire to. Don’t get down on yourself when you don’t reach that level, just notice it and keep working towards that goal. Each time you succeed, smile and allow the power of that love to resonate within every cell of your body. Talk about healing! There’s nothing like it.
Be kind to yourself. Love yourself. Let God love you. You can’t exhaust God. You might sometimes feel exhausted but you will never exhaust your higher self, God or the angels in the Universe that are with you.
We’re all finding our path back home, to the feeling and knowing of Source’s unconditional love, support, protection and guidance.
Last issue I wrote about giving something important your all, playing full out. If you started that and something happened to make you feel discouraged, read the words. Feel the meaning of the words. Can you imagine how much easier it will be to play full out when you choose to know their truth?
Think about it, you’re loved, protected and supported by an all-loving Source. Unconditionally loved. Not parents, friends or sibling kind of love. Unconditional love. If you allow yourself to get in touch with that truth, you will lift up. Life is filled with love, peace and joy when you understand the true reality – you are unconditionally loved by God/Source/Universe.
I wish you a year filled with knowing you are loved, supported and guided. I wish you a year of joy, peace and fulfillment.
Elizabeth found her path, you will find yours too.
Choose to know that you are loved, supported, protected and guided. You are anyway, you might as well let yourself feel it.
Imagine the possibilities….
© Carol Chanel
I want to let you know about a great yoga retreat led by one of my all time favorite yoga teachers Arielle Thomas Newman. Arielle lives with her husband in Playa del Carmen and once a year puts on a fabulous yoga retreat for women. The theme this year is based on the book, “Eat, Pray, Love.”
“Eat…Pray…Love….and Yoga” Girlfriend Yoga Retreat
A Relaxing All-Inclusive Yoga Vacation on the Beautiful Caribbean Coast of Mexico in Playa del Carme
Carol's Services
I teach people to overcome the obstacles that keep them stuck yet longing for romantic relationships, more self-confidence and inspiration to accomplish their dreams.
We sometimes forget what it feels like to live from our hearts and souls. We forget the thrill of taking the brakes off and flying. Life is dull if we just live from our minds.
Are you - or someone you know - settling, for less than exciting, either in relationships or a career?
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You'll find other articles there and more in-depth information about both my services and me.
Carol Chanel
Certified Life Coach
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