Believe Your Way to Winning!

Last Friday a client, I’ll refer to as Jennifer, called me to celebrate a huge win in her life. She had just closed a gigantic consulting deal and was over flowing with joy and excitement.

I was thrilled for her. Then she said, “It’s all thanks to you.” Now those of you who know me, know that I’m not going to let a client give me the credit for their victory. I will share in the joy of their accomplishment, but they get the credit.

So, we coached and she saw that she had begun to believe in herself through our work, and had completely believed in herself during the presentation to this major corporation.

And believing in herself was what it took. Jennifer’s client knew instantly that she and her team were perfect for the job. Because she believed in herself, her team and the work they could do, she got the job. We’re talking serious money here. Great work Jennifer!!

Another Victory

Here’s an example of another winner – three-time Wimbledon champion Roger Federer. In his post-victory interview, Federer said he won because he always has confidence in his strengths. Always!

So instead of focusing on what you perceive to be your weak areas, let’s look at your strengths. We are always going to have weaker areas. It’s okay. That’s just being human. You can increase your strengths and believe in yourself the way Jennifer and Roger did.

Believe In Your Strengths

So what are your strengths? What do you do well? You know. Don’t let your ego talk you out of them.

Are you friendly, funny, kind, compassionate, creative, thoughtful, sincere, responsible, loving, warm, intelligent, giving, generous, a problem solver, team player, a good No. 2 person, a leader, an implementer?

Name your strengths. Focus on those. Once you have them listed then I want you to think about how those strengths make you a great partner. What do you bring to a romantic relationship?

One of my clients who just got engaged is kind, adventurous, smart, works on herself, loves her fiancée, makes projects fun, is compassionate yet knows when and how to be firm with him and truly values him. All that works for him.

Some men might want a woman who is athletic, or a size 2, or a gourmet cook, or sharp witted, or entrepreneurial, or ultra successful, or no career aspirations. Different people want different things and the only woman or man that will work for you is the one who wants the qualities you have and the one who has the qualities you want.

So be clear about who you are, who you know in your heart you are. You don’t need to be someone else to attract a certain kind of person. You get to be yourself and thoroughly enjoy that. It’s so much easier, fun and joyful!

Believing Your Way To Your Ideal Partner

I hope you practice believing in yourself because I’m preparing you for a FREE teleclass I’m going to lead to help you attract your ideal partner. Believing in yourself is a perfect place to start. I’ll send you a flyer in a few days giving you the details. The teleclass is free only to my ezine readers and is designed to give you the secrets to attracting your ideal partner. Hope you can make it.

In the meantime, choose to see your strengths. Celebrate your strengths and great qualities! Believe in yourself.

imagine the possibilities…

© Carol Chanel

Q & A

From Alison, a 38-year-old photographer in Oahu, Hawaii

Q: Carol, I have an opportunity to get a huge assignment for a photo shoot on the island of Kauai and I’m scared. I think my work is as good as anyone else’s and yet I notice I have some fears. This is something I’ve spent my whole career preparing for and now the opportunity is in front of me and I’m scared. Help! I don’t want to blow this.

A: Alison, your style, your experience, your heart all make you the perfect photographer for the client. Focus on the clients’ need and wants. Get your ego out of the way, so that your heart and soul can come through. That’s what makes your work so great. This is an opportunity to tell a beautiful story. That’s why they contacted you in the first place. It’s about your ability to connect to the heart of the story and the hearts of the people in the story.

I KNOW YOU CAN DO THIS! Just let yourself feel your way through it. What you bring to them is your gift. Make it about your gift and your ego will be silenced.

Let me know how it went. Enjoy it, have fun, share your gift Alison!
Please send your questions to Give me background information and as much detail as you want. I will edit the question to fit the space. Also, please let me know if there is anything you don’t want me to share with the readers of Rockin’ Relationships. I look forward to hearing from you.



Staying with the topic of the article about believing in yourself, I want to share a few positive affirmations that really work. The key to affirmations is you have to do them consistently. Every day. It only takes a few minutes, morning and night.

Look in the mirror and say to yourself:

“I believe in myself now, always and in all ways.”

“I love and accept myself as a unique individual.”

“I have all that I need to get what I want.”

Start doing those three affirmations, or use any others that resonate with you. Do them faithfully for 21 days – the time it takes to make a change – and see how you feel.

Honestly, if you thought you could feel better about yourself and live the life you desire, wouldn’t you make time daily for three affirmations? You bet. Well try it. What have you got to lose, except your tormenting ego?!

Happy Believing and Loving Yourself!

Carol's Services

I teach people to overcome the obstacles that keep them stuck yet longing for romantic relationships, more self-confidence and inspiration to accomplish their dreams.

We sometimes forget what it feels like to live from our hearts and souls. We forget the thrill of taking the brakes off and flying. Life is dull if we just live from our minds.

Are you - or someone you know - settling, for less than exciting, either in relationships or a career?

You can visit my website at:

You'll find other articles there and more in-depth information about both my services and me.

Carol Chanel
Certified Life Coach 

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