Feeling Fabulous Program


Learn To Feel Fabulous and Magnetic

Carol Chanel, Certified Life Coach and Mentor, invites you to learn how to reveal the irresistible you, feel fabulous and attract an exciting, meaningful, passionate, loving and lasting romantic relationship.

What if you’re stuck in the area of relationships because you were never taught to feel fabulous, or to truly like and be yourself in relationships?Knowing you are irresistible and truly liking and respecting all aspects of yourself, attracts exciting and loving relationships and helps you sustain them.

If you are ready to feel fabulous, I invite you to my nine-month program where you will realize through my guidance, mentoring and coaching what a truly irresistible woman you are and, from there, attract, create and sustain a joyous life filled with exhilarating and loving relationships.

I created this program because I was once stuck in the area of relationships and in moving beyond that place, I felt the deep and lasting joy that came from truly liking myself, feeling fabulous, realizing my worth and then being in amazing relationships. I want you to experience love, joy and fabulousness too! I’m selfish. I love having other women in this world who truly see their worth and gifts and feel like Goddesses. You are. It’s so fun when you live it.

As a result of this program not only will you get unstuck, truly like yourself; you’ll have new and improved relationships, both romantic and otherwise, be healthier physically and mentally, learn how to apply The Law of Attraction to draw to you what you want and desire and you’ll have fun.

This is an advanced program for women who want, once and for all, to experience what it feels like to be comfortable in their own skin – Skintight Goddesses – and to attract the loving romantic relationship they’ve always dreamed of being in and have it last.

I only work with a limited number of women every year to create this advanced level of love and joy in their lives. This is not a program for women who don’t want to work. I commit to working as hard or harder than you do to help you eliminate any negative thoughts you have about yourself and/or relationships, replace negative thoughts about men with an understanding of how to joyfully and effectively interact with them, and to teach you how to sustain a lifetime of feeling great about yourself.


In order to determine if this program is right for you, I’ve set up an application process. Your first step to being considered for the program is to fill out an application. Then based on what I read, if it feels like it might be a good fit, I’ll set up a time to talk with you further about your dreams, goals and what’s keeping you stuck. We’ll also do a 30-minute sample coaching session and answer your questions.


  • Like yourself and know you are worthy,deserving and lovable
  • Stop criticizing your body and your actions
  • Learn to not take things personally
  • Learn how to attract, develop and nurturean amazing relationship
  • Draw boundaries with family, boyfriendsor spouses, bosses, co-workers
  • Become physically healthier by adaptinggood nutrition, exercise and sleep habits
  • Reduce stress and regain balance by learninghow to relax and renew
  • Apply the Power of Intention and the Law ofAttraction to learn how to easily draw to you whatyou desire; and to learn what’s in the wayof doing that now
  • Stop being a victim! Learn why and how youdo that and how to stop
  • Connect to Source energy in a way that feelscomfortable for you and get the benefits from livingin the protection, guidance and love of that energy
  • Learn to Trust and follow your Intuition


  • Trust yourself
  • Become more compassionate
  • Understand and apply forgiveness
  • Increase your passion for all aspects of life
  • Feel more in harmony with the Universe
  • Ask for and receive assistance from others
  • Gain more self-confidence
  • Develop interests outside of work and home
  • Learn to listen to your emotions – they tell you what feels right or wrong
  • Develop and/or strengthen your spiritual (not religious) side

This Program Is Right For You if:

  1. You’re committed to changing how you see yourself by reading, listening, learning and applying new concepts toyourself and others.
  2. You’re ready to learn to like yourself, create a new you, uncover the Fabulous you and be in an amazing relationship, and add fun into your life on a daily basis.
  3. You’re willing to take action even if at times it’s scary and unfamiliar and your logical mind protests and says this is stupid.
  4. You’re willing and able to commit 100% to your growth for the next nine months, to show up fully – even if you’re having an off day, and ask for support and help when you need it.
  5. This program isn’t right for you if you’re undisciplined, looking for a quick fix and don’t want to invest the time and work into learning and growing. It isn’t right for you if you’re clinically depressed and are taking anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medication. It isn’t right for you if you feel like a victim all the time.
  6. This program is right for you if you value investing in high quality goods and services.
  7. This program is right for you if you’re ready to not listen to any excuses that your logical mind conjures up – even the “realistic” ones. Instead, you’re ready for a joyous new life.

What You Receive In This Program:

  1. Weekly One-On-One Hour Long Coaching Sessions – two a week for the first month. The main emphasis of the program is designed to help you move forward through personal coaching
  2. Bi-Weekly Email Check-in and Follow up – this will help me know how you’re doing during the week, so we can ensure your forward progress and help you if you get stuck during the week
  3. Four books selected by me and sent to you throughout the program – it’s crucial for you to have new ways of looking at relationships, Universal principles, love and yourself
  4. Weekly Accountability reporting form – this is a way for you to track your progress and for me to see what’s working for you and what isn’t, so we can design what works
  5. Quick Get Back on Track – 15 minute personal phone or email coaching when necessary

Participant’s Commitment:

You agree to:

  1. Read Articles I send
  2. Read or Listen to Books I send or recommend
  3. Complete and Send to me a Weekly Tracking Form
  4. Not multitask during the coaching call
  5. Not drive during the call – unless it’s just a few minutes
  6. Do weekly homework assignments
  7. Share fears, concerns and doubts with total honesty
  8. Be on time and prepared for the call
  9. Take notes or ask for mine
  10. Not take other calls during the coaching call, unless it’s an emergency
  11. Let people know you’re not available for the hour
  12. Be willing to think of yourself as a Goddess

Carol’s Commitment:

I will:

  1. Believe in you 100% and never lose that belief no matter what you do, don’t do, say or don’t say
  2. Show up on time for every call
  3. Be fully present and focused on you during our call
  4. See your gifts and value and share them with you
  5. Come prepared by reviewing my notes and your homework assignment
  6. Not be interrupted during our call
  7. Access and share my Intuitive Gift with you and show you how to develop yours
  9. Not accept any excuses you use – we will work to help you understand why you use them, what the payoffs are for your excuses and how to replace them
  10. Be loving, kind, compassionate, firm and honest


Everything you say or write to me, either during a coaching call or any other time, is 100% confidential. I will never share anything you tell me with anyone.


The price and payment schedule for this program will be sent to you once you apply to the program. You agree to pay according to the schedule (there are 3 options) you select, if you are accepted into this program.

Commitment and Termination:

This program is a nine-month commitment. If you choose not to continue, or stop participating, you are responsible for the entire fee of this program.

Next Step:

Your next step to participate in this program is to fill out the application form below.

You might want to download the application form here and fill it out at your lesure. Then email your answers as an attachment to carol@carolchanel.com.

Upon receipt of this application, you will receive a few more details about the program and the fee for the program. I will thoughtfully review your application. Then, I will email you to schedule an individual session by telephone to discuss your goals and dreams and whether or not this program is for you. I will do a 30-minute complimentary sample session so you will know what you can expect from me and how I coach. I look forward to hearing from you.

Application Form Questions